Hybrid Perpetual Rose

Often flowering old roses like a Hybrid Perpetual rose are tall-growing and perfect for pillars or along a fence

The extensive variety of Hybrid Perpetuals, botanically called ‘Rosa Hybrida Bifera’ developed at the beginning of the 19th century, about the same time as the Bourbon Roses.

Almost all important groups of roses are involved in their occurrence. Most varieties bloom a second time in fall (Hybrid Remontants), but many of them are real recurrent flowering types.

Facts About Hybrid Perpetuals

Most Hybrid Perpetuals are tall growing and grow heavily in the early summer, occasionally in summer and moderate in fall. They are crosses between Portlands, China's and Bourbons.

A strong, burly, sometimes overhanging growth characterizes many varieties; others are already very similar to today's Hybrid Tea’s.

They are popular because of their large, round, full-bodied flowers, which smell generously.

They are winter hardy and love rich soil.

Prune them at the end of February by removing old and twiggy wood and short the canes by one-third.

Cut off spent blooms and diseased as well as dead wood permanently to maintain recurrent flowering.

Make Your Hybrid Perpetual Rose Choice

Until the end of Victorian times it is estimated that about 4000 Hybrid Perpetuals had been introduced. Many of them already have the characteristics of modern roses and still are very popular in today’s gardens.

Baron Girod de l’Ain

Baron Girod de l'Ain

Often known under the name of ‘Princess Christine von Salm’ or 'Royal Mondain’, this variety is one of the most famous rose of its type and was introduced in France 1897.

The cupped crimson flowers with thin white edges spread an intense, strong scent.

The bushy shrubs grow to a height of 4.5 feet and a width of 3.5 feet.

Reine des Violettes

Reine Des Violettes

Another famous Hybrid Perpetual rose from France, introduced 1860. Their full large quartered flowers show a unusual lilac-purple color, nearly similar to a Gallica Rose.

The hardy shrubs are nearly thornless and provided with perfect soil; they will re-bloom in fall.

They grow tall up to 5 feet and spread to a width of about 4.5 feet

Baroness Rothschild

Baroness Rothshid

Above the particular large and ornamental leaves sit clear rose pink flowers with silvery reflections.

The repeat flowering bushes spread a soft scent, and as a climber, they can grow up to 9 feet.

The variety is perfect for a cut rose.

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